Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chinnappan's joy has no bounds....

IBL’s Patashala, formerly known as ‘School of Evangelism’, is a training program that equips Christian workers in witnessing and establishing new congregations. Patashala is conducted in partnership with national churches and Christian organizations. It trains pastors and committed workers in forming organic and self-sustaining churches in neediest and unreached geographical areas.

The one year programme for twelve trainees is divided into three terms with residential classes and field work. The trainees involve in family surveys, forming Bible Study and fellowship groups, visiting the sick, personal witnessing and distributing gospel literature.

Ruby graduated in the first batch of the Patashala conducted at her church. She and her husband Charles are helping a new church in a far away village grow. Many have been added to the kingdom and discipled by their ministry. Chinnappan is a local believer who assists Charles in the new Church.

Chinnappan had given himself to making and selling country liquor. He heard the gospel and committed his life to the Lord and started attending the Church. He gave up his liquor business and found out an alternative work to earn for his big family of 6 small children. He also had a desire along with his wife to become parents of a son after 6 daughters. Later they had a seventh offspring and that too was a girl. This simple church prayed earnestly with Chinnappan for a boy child. In due course, Chinnappan’s wife gave birth to the eighth child, a boy. Chinnappan’s joy has no bounds in following the Lord who answered his prayer. He is active in the ministry of the Church.

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